+9779842084078 makaluaruntreks@gmail.com Company Regd No. 286/067/068
+9779842084078 makaluaruntreks@gmail.com Company Regd No. 286/067/068

Study Research

Study Research

Dear Travelers,

Welcome to the enchanting Makalu Arun Valley region in eastern Nepal—a haven for nature enthusiasts. Within these awe-inspiring landscapes, uncover the treasures of Makalu Barun National Park, the enchanting beauty of Arun Valley, Brun Valley, Mille Danda, and the Upp Arun Valley region.

Engross yourself in the opulence of this haven, where rare birds and animals thrive, and a wealth of valuable herbs, rudraksha beads, allo cloth, and various distinctive products can be found in abundance.

Herbs to be found in Makalu Region
Herbs to be found in Makalu Region

Should the concept of intertwining adventure with study and research captivate your interest, we extend an invitation for you to connect with us. Allow us to present you with the chance to orchestrate a trek that seamlessly integrates exploration with educational and research endeavors. Our dedicated team stands ready to coordinate a trek anywhere within this extraordinary region.

Upper Arun Valley Culture
Upper Arun Valley Culture

Rely on our committed porter guides, devoted to providing you with a smooth and delightful experience. Immerse yourself in the richness of local culture and hospitality through our teahouse or homestay accommodations, where genuine local cuisine and heartfelt welcomes await you.

Embark on a journey that not only satisfies your spirit of adventure but also provides a platform for study and research in this unparalleled natural wonderland. Contact us, and let the adventure begin!

Warm regards,

Makalu Arun Social Trek (MAST


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